
The Main Cause Of The 1917 Russian Revolution

Decent Essays

There are hundreds of events which occurred over a long period of time that could have been the cause of the 1917 Russian Revolution. Most of these events would have played at least a small part in the creation of the revolution although the real question is which events were the most significant or had the most impact on the forming of it. After researching the various events that could have been the main cause I found that the most significant causes of the 1917 Russian Revolution were the famine in the cities, the Tsar’s failure to take action and the lack of improvement for the working class citizens after the 1905 Revolution.
Like the Revolution itself the famine in the cities was cause by a number of different things. Russia’s industrialisation which …show more content…

Shops began to close and the lack of food became so severe the most working class women were spending up to 40 hours a week in bread ques, many sleeping outside bakeries overnight to be the first in line . Louise Bryant describes the daily struggle in a paragraph from her book Six Months in Russia she writes ‘One of the things that strikes coldness to one’s heart are the long lines of scantily clad people standing in the bitter cold waiting to buy bread, milk, sugar or tobacco. From four o’clock in the morning they stand there.’
On the 23rd of February 1917 a bread riot that would change Russia forever broke out. It was International Women’s Day and the women themselves, fed up with waiting for bread, started a riot which they lead through the workers districts of the city gathering their husbands and other workers from factories with whom they went on to occupy the centre of the city. There were about 100,000 people who marched to the centre of the city and over the following three days they continued to occupy the area with more and more people joining the

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