
Second Part Of Russian Revolution Essay

Decent Essays

There were two different parts of the Russian Revolution. The first part of the revolution happened in February. The impact of the first part of the revolution was that the imperial government was overthrown. The second part of the Russian revolution happened in October. The impact of the second part of the revolution was that the Bolsheviks were put into power. Many problems led to the rise of the Russian Revolution. One of the main causes of the Russian Revolution was that tsar's reactionary policies and the dissolution of the Duma. Another major cause of the Russian Revolution was the inefficiency of the government’s prosecution of World War I. As a result the economy was ruined and it was shown that the Russian military could not fight against central and Western Europe. Riots began breaking out in the Russian capitol because there was a short supply of food. In response to the revolt Tsar Nicholas had to renounce his throne. Power was passed over to his brother Michael but his refused the throne. The type of government that succeeded the autocracy was a Provisional Government which was opposed by Petrograd Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies. The Soviets had more power than the provincial government and they wanted Russia to continue participating in the …show more content…

Although Kerensky was able to stop the coup, he was unable to fix the political, economic, and military problems that were before him. The Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks were overtaken by the Bolsheviks and the Left Socialist Revolutionaries. The Bolsheviks program of “peace, land, and bread” helped them receive the support of numerous urban workers and soldiers (Britannica). In October the Bolsheviks and the Left Socialist Revolutionaries led a coup which Kerensky could not stop. As a result a new government was formed which was mostly comprised of

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