
Worldview In Education And Education

Decent Essays

Introduction Have you ever wondered how humans grow intelligently? The complexity of this question continues to spark conscious awareness of how the human brain grows. Our understanding of wisdom forms through our perception of reality. What makes things real and relevant? A worldview constructs meaning and significance to life experiences that projects decision making skills based off the world. This concept taps into the purpose of teaching and learning by implementing personal philosophies, religious beliefs, and instructional practices that help human mentally mature. This paper addresses the fundamentally concept of a biblical worldview from historically and philosophical perspectives, explains the biblical principles usage in educational practices, and provides key ideas of Christian thinking as it pertains to education. Biblical Worldview A biblical worldview teaches God as the supreme creator of life and his word governance the world you see. Seeing the world through this sense excludes opinions and a humanized analytical process, it reveals God’s teachings and principals in the bible (Pope, 2007). The Christian worldview begins with the existence of God in everything. Ephesians states, “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors, and the teachers to equip his people for works of service, so the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature,

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