
Why Trade Matters In Canada

Decent Essays

Why Trade Matters
Expanded international trade for Canada

International trade has grown over the years due to its many benefits to different countries across the globe as it interprets for a good part of a country’s gross local merchandise. It is also one of the important sources of income for a developing country. The Canada–US economic relationship ranks as one of Canada’s most important foreign policy objectives because Canadian prosperity is closely linked to the growth of the United States’ economy. Therefore, expanded international trade for Canada will be beneficial as it will increase trade and resources with other countries, employment, sales and profits for Canada.
Now that the CETA (Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement) has been come to an agreement. By having this agreement signed, there are more trade benefits with Europe. The agreement will eliminate 98% of the tariffs between Canada and Europe.
Canada is working with China to have a bilateral trade agreement. So, as you can see, Canada is diversifying the trade strategies across the world. China has an abundance in resources from health, food, and technology. Its economy is dominated by state-owned establishments, basically companies …show more content…

Canada is ranked at 0.5% of the world’s population. Operating in new markets for Canadian exports allows business to enlarge and become more resourceful, proficient, original and competitive, all of which results to a higher standard of living, more jobs and better salaries for workforces. International trade benefits Canadian consumers by increasing the variety of products available in domestic markets, which is created by open trade and then further leaded to lower prices and greater selection of products and services. 1 billion exports mean 6000 jobs for Canadians. When trade is balanced businesses remain profitable and may

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