
Why Does Deiism Exist

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Deism is defined as a belief in the existence of a supreme being, a belief that God exists, but does not intervene in the universe. A transition from theism, "Deism developed, some say, as an attempt to bring unity out of a chaos of theological and philosophical discussion" (Sire 2009 pg:47).

Deism began to emerge in the seventeenth century as philosophers, authors, and others began to focus on reason, and their knowledge, "Deism is the historical result of the decay of robust Christian theism. That is, specific commitments and beliefs of traditional Christianity are gradually abandoned" (Sire 2009 pg: 53). During that time theology had shaped the way of politics and structures of government. These free-thinkers challenged and rebelled against traditional Christianity. A theist believes God as the creator of the universe but much more than that; they see God as personal, involved, concerned, …show more content…

One way in which this was done was by replacing the theistic worldview of the Bible as the only authority and replacing it with self-sufficient personal logic. In doing so, scripture was no longer the standard for what is right and wrong but rather mankind has the intellect and knowledge to determine these actions for themselves. Secondly, deist argues God created the universe, and once it was perfect, there is no longer need to interfere with it, "The God of deism, having created the world, has also departed" (Olson, C.E. 2015 pg: 35). Theist understands that God not only created the universe but He maintains it and has constant interaction with His creation, He is immanent, sovereign. Deism affects principles by believing that everything was created perfect, in a closed system, everything was already made to happen before proceeding. If this is true, then mankind can do no wrong because all is absolute. Ethics come from a general revelation, and those that live a good life will make it to

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