
Website Critique For A Website

Decent Essays

NURB 3140
Health Website Critique Tool

PART 1: 80% of assignment grade

Element Question Evaluation (Do not respond with yes or no only)
Who is in charge of the website? Who pays for the website? Dr. Brenda Fitzegerald is lead representative of the CDC website. This site is a tax based federal government website and managed by Department of Health and Human Services. Is there contact information for the author(s)? The contact information for questions is an email address to the CDC website or call 1-800-CDC- INFO (1-800-232-4636). One can also follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIN. Is the author(s) an expert on the subject area? Yes, Dr. Brenda Fitzegerald, is an expert in this …show more content…

Is the information peer-reviewed or does an expert verify the information? The information shared on this site is expert based only. It is what the world follows to help with crisis invention. Is the information accurate and referenced to a scholarly nursing or medical resource? If not referenced, compare the information to a current journal or book on the topic. The information provided on this site is factual and can be used to educate the population. This web page is open to the public for viewing. I enjoy learning new information from this site to share with my students and patients. Do all of the links on the site work? I was able to navigate throughout the site without any difficulty. Is the site free from typographical errors? I didn’t see any typographical errors.
PRIVACY Does the site ask for your personal information? If so, how will this information be used? The site allows anyone to view this information. No personal information required to view this website. Does the site include a privacy statement? The website follows HIPPA guidelines but the privacy statement is not included on the bottom of webpage. Does the site meet privacy standards, such as “Health on the Net” (HON)? The CDC information is reliable and fact based. They are responsible for keeping the public and medical staff up to date with disease progression. Adapted from: Sewel, J. & Thede, L. (2013).

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