
Unit 4 P3 Business

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Information Information is made from Data that is numerical which is changed and used to make it seem sense. For an example train timetable, the number of trains and how much it weights. Data Data is facts and numbers that hasn’t been modified or analysed for example times and numbers. When data is by itself it has no meaning to it however information by itself does have a meaning. Primary Primary data is data which your business or you find and gather data to analyse. By you or the business finding the data this makes it primary because the data belongs to you making it original. The different ways to gather data is surveys and interviews by collecting data like this makes it original and reliable. Secondary Secondary data is data that isn’t …show more content…

Qualitative data has cant be analysed if it doesn’t contain descriptions. An example is “some people take cars but some take public transport” Quantitative Quantitative data is facts that are written in numerical form and then proven. The way Quantitative data is recorded is in numbers. An example of Quantitative data is 55%take bus, 25% take train, 10% walk and 10% car. Operational Support This helps make timely decisions, a business can use operational support to control duties. This could be anything from reminding employees to send their work in at a specific time or telling a fast food restaurant when to defrost food. Analysis Businesses give an analysis of the profit and sales also other business data to find a trend of popular sales and what is making the most money for the company. An example is if an item is usually sold out in days and making lots of profit and if an item is barely sales businesses would buy more of the popular product and less of the unwanted product. External …show more content…

When information is stored, if it about a person then it isn’t covered by the same act it then becomes data protection act. The information to the public is free to learn and access but it’s not free when requested for physical copy. If information is requested and cannot be accessed public bodies will give reasons why they cannot release the information and have a valid reason. If the information individual wishes to accessed is fully denied, then they have the right to appeal and have the outcome

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