
Unit 2 –Principles of Personal Development in Adult Social Care Settings.

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LEVEL 2 – CERTIFICATE IN PREPARING TO WORK IN ADULT SOCIAL CARE UNIT 2 –Principles of personal development in adult social care settings. OUTCOME 1 Understand what is required for good practice in adult social care roles. 1.1 Identify standards that influence the way adult social care job roles are carried out. Below is a list of some of the legislations that are relevant to adult social care. These make up ‘standards’ to follow for good practice. * Care Standards Act 2000 * Domiciliary Care Regulations 2002 * Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 * Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 * Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 * GSCC Codes of Practice for social care workers …show more content…

They all were designed to cover the symptoms and signs of different types of abuse, financial, physical, sexual, institutional, etc. It also covered what staff should do if they suspect abuse of a service user, who to report it to, and the procedures to follow. Whilst I had undertaken similar courses before, they had always dealt with the subject from the point of view of dealing with children, I come from an education background, and I had never really considered that there were so many different types, particularly those of financial and institutional abuse. While I hope I will never encounter any suspected case of abuse, but if I did, I now know what actions to take. 2.2 Describe how reflecting on a situation has improved own knowledge, skills and understanding. Reflecting on your own work activities is an important way to develop knowledge, skills and practice as you need to be able to identify and understand any possible discrepancies between your own work practice and the expectations of the organisation you work for and the governing body that oversees your profession. In my previous profession I was continuously required to assess how well my own knowledge, skills and understanding meet professional standards by reflecting on my own practices and the achievement of the students in my care. I reflected on my work activities and any notable incidents, discussing any identified issues with the Head.

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