
How Is Odysseus A Hero

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Is Odysseus a Hero?

What makes someone a hero? Is it the adventures they go on, the traits they possess, or how popular they are? In The Odyssey, Odysseus embarks on one huge adventure to save his people, but barely gets back home. The struggles on this journey have proved whether Odysseus is in fact a hero, or just a fool who got lucky. Although literary scholars of The Odyssey have argued that he is not a hero, closer examination shows that he is a hero because he met the ultimate goal of defeating Troy, bravely led and sacrificed for his men, and escaped multiple enemies.

In The Odyssey, Odysseus sails from his home island of Ithaca, Greece, to Troy. (modern day Turkey) His army and him defeat Troy with a tactful strategy, then leave for home. On the voyage home, Odysseus makes many mistakes like conceitedly setting up camp in a cyclops cave, sending his men to meet the Lotus Eaters, and disappointing the gods by stealing food from the land of the Cicones. But Odysseus makes up for his mistakes by saving his men from Circe. He also sacrifices his …show more content…

In the beginning, he was asked to fight for his country and win back Helen. He left his kingdom and his family and sailed to Troy. Known for his intellect and strategy, he defeated Troy by coming up with the idea to offer a “gift” of a gigantic wooden horse to Troy. When the army accepted it, Odysseus and his men popped out and slaughtered all of Troy, winning the battle for Greece. “Oh man! You can't count how many good things Odysseus has done for the Greeks, a real leader in council and in battle....” (Iliad 2.294-6) This proves that Odysseus is a hero because a hero would not have gotten the main goal done. The Greek army could not have defeated Troy without his skills. No one else would’ve come up with such an unanticipated strategy. Though defeating Troy is not the only evidence of heroism. Odysseus also had the strength of

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