
Technology And Technology Essay

Decent Essays

We hear again and again that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robots are going to take away human jobs. This is not a new concern as many inventions from past 200 years are made to substitute human power. But the arrival of two new technologies “Cloud robotics” and “deep learning” (Pratt, 2015) could result in an explosive growth and there is no way to stop the inevitable changes. Besides, it is also observed that economy has always adapted to the new changes. In this essay I will identify the reasons that technology can reduce work load, labour and humans will not have a jobless future as technology always give scope for new developments and new jobs. One basic example of that is agriculture. In the 1900s, 41 percent of the U.S. labour force worked on farms. Today it’s 2 percent (Autor, 2015). Obviously, mechanization made the economy a better off rather than destroying it. Food is now reasonably priced as compared to what it was relative to income, and as a result, people have money to spend on other things and they’ve transitioned to jobs in other areas. Modern philosophers say that there is scope to repeat the same thing again. Kessler (2017) stated that approximately around 500 years ago, Queen Elizabeth I cited the fear of joblessness when she denied a patent for an automated knitting machine. “I have too much regard for the poor women and unprotected young maidens who obtain their daily bread by knitting to forward an invention which, by depriving them of

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