
Robert Louis Stevenson Theme

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In the Robert Louis Stevenson book Kidnapped there are several themes. One of the main themes is loyalty and friendship. This theme is here because of the bond between Alan and David and the differences in their religion. David is young, curious, and protestant whereas Alan is older, adventurous, and catholic. The author, Robert Stevenson, wanted to show that despite the bloody history of Catholics and Protestants they could become the best of friends.
The author, Robert Louis Stevenson, shows that catholics and protestants can be friends. One example of this is when Alan gets a warrant for his arrest but David's name is not in it meaning he could have easily left Alan and been free. David could have left Alan multiple times but he chose …show more content…

The Catholic religion used to be very large but it contained many flaws. The people didn't approve of these flaws and when they found them they wanted change. John Calvin and Martin Luther were the first to make a big scene and come out against the Catholic church. Southern France wanted change and the civilians liked the idea of Calvinism which was based off of the protestant religion. Northern and Southern France went to war, England also had a reformation during this time period. This was the result from King Henry VIII wanting to divorce his wife but the Catholic religion wouldn't allow it. He then decided to make his own religion based off of protestant beliefs so that he could divorce his wife. The English people did not know whether to go with the ruler of the land or the pope because the ruler was powerful but the pope was their religious …show more content…

David was very tired and sick and allowed Alan to handle their money. Alan was not being careful and unfortunately lost all their money leaving them broke on their journey. David was furious and the result of this unfortunate event would test the strength of their friendship. David insulted Alan in a way he knew would hurt Alan greatly and only someone like David would have the knowledge to insult Alan in such a way. Following the harsh insults David challenged Alan to a duel. Alan did not want to because he realized that it would affect their friendship and be considered murder. When David realized what he did wrong he could not apologize more for what he had put upon Alan. David told Alan to let him die in the house but David could not walk. Alan tried to help David by putting his arm around him but they both ended up joking around. They had a moment together and realized they needed each other. Several quotes show this happening, one of them being “” Dinna say that! David man ye kern-” He shut his mouth upon a sob. “Let me get my arm around ye,”he continued; “that's the way! Now lean upon me hard””(Stevenson 175). Another quote is, “”O Alan,” says I,”and me a good twelve inches taller?” “Yere no such thing,” Cried Alan, with a start. “There may be trifling matter of an inch or two;”” (Stevenson 176). Friendship is the main idea in

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