
Privacy In Brave New World

Decent Essays

“With liberty and justice for all.” Our founding fathers envisioned a country where liberty, meaning freedom, and justice, meaning morally right actions, would be for all citizens, but in our modern society, today, can we really say this is true? In a society, where we all have felt deceived by our own government through matters involving privacy, it is hard to say whether our government is looking after us or looking out for us. Keizer, the author of “Privacy,” presents the idea that humans are important so protecting our privacy is essential. Huxley, the author of “Brave New World,” critiques our modern society by describing a society built on the idea of consumerism: efficiency, productivity, and stability. Because of this, society has …show more content…

Newborn screening is a healthcare practice used in order to see signs of diseases or any health care issues that may have not been visible after birth; this practice is performed by a few blood and hearing tests. The main purpose of this practice is early prevention. However, society does not see newborn screening as a benefit, instead, it is seen negatively as a violation of privacy. The term “privacy” speaks to this issue because privacy is seen as an essential human need. For one, privacy symbolizes our trust. “Who steals my purse steals trash, but who steals the confidence with which I take my purse to the market trashes my world” (Keizer 9). Through this metaphor, Keizer explains the idea that the thought of someone stealing a purse is not why the victim is upset, it is the thought of someone intentionally looking into that purse without the victim's permission that hurts them. By doing so, the thief has broken the victim's trust, and that's why the victim is truly upset. Therefore, the fact that the blood spots obtained during newborn screening are being used for other purposes than finding diseases creates trust issues between the

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