
Persuasive Essay: Why A Good Grade Is Better?

Decent Essays

I write to you in hopes that I can persuade you to raise my semester average by ten points. It’s my belief that I could need it; it’s better to be safe than sorry, right? Good grades cause people to be happier, and if even a little bit of happiness can be found amidst the stress and anxiety of high school, wouldn’t you like to be a part of it?

People come and go, times change, but our current constant is that grades are the numbers that rule the rest of our lives. Get bad grades and you likely won’t get hired, but if you get good grades, you’ll have a decent chance, regardless of what you actually know. That is why I mustn’t pass this opportunity up, because, while I believe I’ve a good grasp on the information, a higher grade cannot hurt in the long run. …show more content…

Life can be chaotic and has distractions, and I don’t mean internet-wise, though I won’t deny that that plays a part, too. I could work harder, and probably ought to, but as evidence has shown, that leads to overthinking and an inability to properly complete the assignment due to the fact that I could always make it better. I don’t want that, you don’t want that, wouldn’t this be easier for both of us?

I don’t fully believe that I deserve this buffer, but if I can persuade you to change it, then I must be doing better than I thought. If I can persuade you, then I have earned it. I don’t believe that grades should be offered without work having been shown, so I do what I can without overcomplicating the assignments.

It’s my hope that you will consider this letter when you look over the grades and decide who does and doesn’t deserve the buffer. As a young student struggling to find his way through the chaos of high school, I hope these words hit their mark and that you will hear this plea. High school can be so stressful that this would be very

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