
Personal and Corporate Spiritual Truths Essay

Better Essays

Liberty University

Spiritual Growth Plan: Sections Two and Three

A Spiritual Growth Plan Submitted to
In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements For
The course EVAN 500

Liberty baptist Theological seminary


Lynchburg, Virginia

Friday, December 13, 2012
Table of Contents
Section Two Personal And Corporate Spiritual Truths 2
Section Three The Power of Prayer 4 Being Prepared 5 The Call to Worship 6 Personal Growth 7 thinking Strategically 9
Bibliography 11

Section Two
Personal and Corporate Spiritual Truths Perhaps the lesson given the most support throughout the course of this semester is the healthy church is a church whose members are devoted to prayer.1 Powerful …show more content…

The Ten Greatest Revivals Ever personally brought the power of prayer to an impactful reality through the amazing revivals that have taken place. One of the key characteristics one notices is that a prayer church started with a praying leader.9 As a leader in the church, I know I have personally become complacent. Praying for revival, that the Lord takes my town by fire for His glory, without having the real expectation that it could happen tomorrow or even within the next hour. The leader’s who prayed for and saw spiritual revival were praying with an expectation. Reading through the amazing accounts has lit a fire inside of me with a real expectation. It starts with God using me as a leader to get others to call on His name whole heartedly. What lit this fire inside of me to expect a revival? It was dwelling on history of God’s faithfulness to those who pray sincerely. I have personally purposed to not let a month go by that I do not read and seek out a testimony to God’s faithfulness to prayer. My objective is to instill a passion for prayer upon Silver Valley Youth Group (SVYG). I need to have the same objective with my ministry as I do for myself. I will be concentrating on the subject of prayer and God’s amazing faithfulness at least once a month. I currently have implemented prayer before and after almost all phases of youth group including each activity and our study. May the Spirit instill a true and real passion for

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