
Pacer English Class

Decent Essays

Before I enrolled in this Pacer English class I would generally study in my room, sitting on my bed, or I would sit at the kitchen table and study. I had a many advantages to doing this, because I would typically do it in the mornings, after my classes, when my husband was at work. I did have some disadvantages to this, because when I would sit in my bed to do my homework, I would get very restless or I would have cramps in my neck, causing me to want to quit studding for that time. When I would sit with my back against the head board and pillows all behind me I found that this made me feel more comfortable when I was sitting in my bed. The disadvantage to sitting at the kitchen table seemed more uncomfortable to me, because the chairs seemed hard after sitting there for quite some time. When I study, I try to sit for hours at a time to try and get all my work done at one time. I made sure that no matter where I was studying, …show more content…

I feel like I did not have many barriers that caused me to have trouble with my study habits. I do feel like I need to take a break sooner when I am studying then to keep on studying one subject to the next. During my study times, if I keep them the same at the same place I feel like I will be able to accomplish the task, because the distraction are very few for me, and I have the house to myself when I am studying. If in this semester, I come to a block in the road of where I choose to study, then at that time I will choose another place to sit down and study. When we study, if we are truly studying as we should, we do not need to allow anything to hinder us from getting our work done. If distractions are happening, then we need to fix the problems right away so that we will not get behind in our lessons. I have found that through all of this, that what might work for me will not or may not work for someone else. You have to choose a place to study that works best for

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