
Our Program 's Philosophy On Positive Child Guidance

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Our program’s philosophy on positive child guidance is to discipline instead of punishing children for accidents or mistakes they make. With the help of our committed staff, we can provide a positive atmosphere that will allow the children to feel loved and accepted to help build their self-esteem. Our program will offer the children with choices, but there will also be reasonable, and developmentally appropriate limits. The educators will model positive behaviours that will teach the children to problem solve and build self-control in a healthy, and safe way.
Children are going to continue to make mistakes, but they will learn from them just like adults do. So why would we punish them for it? When positive guiding children we can help them see and understand consequences from the choices they make. By using punishment instead of positive discipline can cause possible side effects, such as blocking open communications, punishment represses behaviour, but doesn’t deal with the behaviour, models a negative use of power, and to have continue effect it must escalate in order to remain it’s effectiveness. Using punishment as discipline will create a negative relationship between educator/parent and child. This could lead the child to have negative thoughts about themselves creating a low self-esteem. “The quality of the verbal environment sets the stage for children’s developing perceptions of themselves and others.” (Meece & Soderman, 2010, p.81) In the article Positive

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