
Narcissistic Personality Disorder ( Npd )

Better Essays

Sarah Inafuku
PSY - 102
December 18, 2016
Georgette Gorman

Research Paper: Narcissism
Everyone is born with a natural sense of pride and self-importance. According to Sanderson (2015), pride can be defined as, “A pleasant, sometimes exhilarating, emotion that results from a positive self-evaluation” (p. 35). Judging by that definition, pride seems as though it is a positive emotion that helps to build confidence and self-worth. However, pride can also be a very dangerous feeling that could possibly lead to a very unfortunate and incurable mental illness, known as Narcissistic Personality Disorder. This disorder, otherwise known as, NPD, is a personality trait that reflects an inflated and grandiose self-concept (Buffardi & Campbell, 2008). Basically, someone with this disorder thinks very highly of himself or herself, which typically results in a lack of empathy for others. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the preferred treatment for Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) because specific biomedical approaches for this illness do not exist, and leaving it untreated could lead to other psychological problems for the individual, such as, depression, antisocial personality disorder, and drug/alcohol abuse.
There is no known cure for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Also, the exact cause of this illness is unknown. Many professionals think that it could be a combination of biological factors, temperamental patterns of an individual, and the experiences that people may have

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