
My Writing Process Essay

Decent Essays

In the 1980s, there was a movie called "Xanadu". It starred Olivia Newton-John as Kira, a muse and one of the daughters of Zeus who, along with her sisters, inspired men to do great things in the arts. She falls in love with Sonny, an artist and inspires him to find his passion and fulfill his true potential even if the gods forbade their relationship. Writing is an art form. It has entertained us for centuries. It is an invaluable tool for leaving a record for future generations. It is a teacher that has shown us how to better ourselves and further our careers and helped fuel our ambitions. The problem for many though is simply how to start. There are multiple ways to write. The writing process, like snowflakes are all different, but all effective as long as it for the writer. It doesn't matter if you're writing a song, a poem, a novel or a paper for class. The objective is to get over the initial intimidation, find a subject, start and finish. My process is similar to songwriting. By this, I mean that I like to find my "hook", the heart of what I am writing about, then flesh everything out around it. For me, finding the main idea is the hardest part of the writing process. Oftentimes, I like to just start free writing or even talking to …show more content…

You are free to explore your imagination or be as concise and factual as you wish. Your only limit is the type of audience you wish to reach. Your process when writing for a poetry slam won't be the same as a minister getting ready for a church sermon or for a CEO giving a presentation to the shareholders of his company. Once you have found your target audience, the only thing to do is let the words flow. However, you choose to write, be it on your computer, or on your cell phone like the rapper Drake pens his lyrics or good old-fashioned pen and paper, the process starts when you put something down and finally share it with the

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