
Monitoring The Future ( Mtf ) Survey Essay

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Monitoring the Future (MtF) survey - 12th grade
This survey spans across the mid-level and high-level schools of United States, which are believed to represent a cross-section of the national population. About 66 – 80% of the American schools participate in the survey on an average, and the students’ participation rate stands at an average of 79 – 83%.
These surveys sample about 15,000 students each year spanning across the three grades under consideration. However, not every question is asked of every student. Certain questions are reserved for certain subsamples.
The students of 12th grade are asked the below questions based on religion and religious affiliations:
1. What is your religious preference?
Eighteen options were offered as choices for this question, excluding the categories of atheist and agnostic. The responses to each category have not been captured in the survey results, owing to certain privacy concerns. However, the percentage of none as a choice was calculated from the annual survey results. Moreover, the sample for this question excluded the Californians after 1997.
2. How frequently do you attend the religious services?
Options for this question were coded on the scale of 1 – 4 and were ranged as: never, rarely, once to twice a month, and once tor more a week.
3. What is the importance of religion in your life?
The choices for this question were marked on a scale of 1 – 4 and the options ranged as: not important, a little important, pretty important,

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