
Job As An Intern For The Arlington County Board

Decent Essays

I accepted a job as an intern for the Arlington County Board. I got the job through my school program in high school called “Urban Alliance”. It is a one year program where students have the opportunity to work in a professional environment and to also gain beneficial experiences for their future careers. Acquiring a job in this program is a lot more beneficial than the jobs most teenagers have today. The Arlington County Board are responsible for tax rate and county regulations such as speed limits, traffic lights, stop signs, and etc. The county board members consist of five members, each serving four year terms that also includes a rotating chair, who serves as the Official County Head. They all work hard to respond to concerning citizens, setup board meetings, and to represent the County to the public. As an intern for the County Board, I am responsible for organizing mail and letters to the County Board (document retention), and to also ensure companies’ and organizations’ contact information is correct in our database. One of the reasons why I chose to accept this job is because of the pay. The starting pay for all interns in the program is $8.25. Each intern can receive a raise every few months based on their performances at their jobsites. The maximum raise that an intern can earn is up to $10. I had passion and consistent hard work throughout my time at the Arlington County Board, which is why I received a raise every few months, earning up to $10 a little over

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