
Home Health Care Planning Improvement Act: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Current pending policy in the 114th United States’ Congress includes the Home Health Care Planning Improvement Act (ANA). This legislation advocates changing the current Medicare conditions of participation, by granting authority to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) to certify plans of care for home health patients. If written into law, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses that would be able to certify home health services would include nurse practitioners, certified nurse mid-wives and clinical nurse leaders. In addition, this designation would also give physician assistants access to the same authority (ANA). Within Medicare’s current guidelines, the patient’s primary care physician (PCP) or a physician whom has had a recent face to face encounter with the patient, are the only two providers that may order, certify and re-certify home health services (Gaboury, 2015). This protocol mandates that unless a patient recently has travelled to see a physician whom can affirm their condition, they are unable to obtain home health services. This proposed policy seeks to address the lack of access to home health that some patients encounter due to not having a local physician’s certification. This shortfall could be remedied with the authorization of nurse …show more content…

This could result in lower costs billed to Medicare than expensive in-patient facilities. Another implicit value would be the patient and families’ sense of well being and sense of security as they are being cared for intermittently in the comfort of their own homes. “This legislation will improve access to care,” said ANA President Pamela F. Cipriano, “This proposal eliminates unnecessary and costly delays some patients currently experience in receiving home health care services”

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