
Genetics Exam 2

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BioSc 321 General Genetics Exam 2 Name __________________________________

Multiple Choice. (1 point each)

_____During anaphase of the mitosis ___.

A. DNA recombines
B. Sister chromatids move to opposite poles
C. The nuclear membrane disappears
D. RNA replicates
E. DNA content essentially doubles

_____During prophase of mitosis ___.

A. DNA recombines
B. Sister chromatids move to opposite poles
C. The nuclear membrane disappears
D. RNA replicates
E. DNA content essentially doubles

_____An autosome is ___.

A. a non-sex determining chromosome
B. an alternate form of a gene
C. another term for epistasis
D. present only in males and is responsible for sex determination
E. found in mitochondria but not in nuclei

_____What ratios …show more content…

They are associated with the nucleosome.
C. H1, H2, H3 and H4 form the nucleosome core.
D. They are found in the nucleus.
E. H1 functions as a monomer.

_____ Which of the following is not true about chromosome structure?

A. A telomere is always on the end of a eukaryotic chromosome.
B. A centromere is always in the middle of a eukaryotic chromosome
C. A chromatid is a chromosome that has been replicated but has not yet separated from its sister chromatid.
D. The kinetichore is the site of attachment of the centromere to the nuclear spindle apparatus.
E. Heterochromatin are primarily associated with the centromere and telomere regions.

_____ Mating type refers to

A. the number of sex-chromosomes in a eucharyotic cell.
B. a system in which haploid fungal cells only fuse with fungal cells with a different complement of alleles.
C. the gametes of a plant which undergoes alternation of generation.
D. the gametophytes of a flowering plant.
E. the sporophytes of a flowering plant.

_____ Which of the following processes occurs in meiosis but not mitosis?

A. Cell division
B. Separation of homologous centromeres to opposite poles
C. Chromatic formation.
D. Chromosome condensation (shortening)
E. Pairing of homologs.
_____ In swine, when a pure-breeding red is crossed with a pure-breeding white the F1 are all red. However, the F2 shows 9 red, 1 white and 6 of a new color, sandy. The Sandy phenotype is most likely determined by

A. complementary alleles of two

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