
Genesis 11 Research Paper

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Starting from the beginning of Genesis I will travel to the end of chapter 11 giving details of each part as I go along. I will pick parts out of Genesis that I believe need to be emphazied. This will be a timeline essentially provided with explanition. I'm going to start with Genesis 1 and move through Genesis 11 in this paragraph. Genesis 1 starts out with God creating the universe, Earth, plants and animals. Moving into Genesis, God creates a place for the first people to live, Adam and Eve. In Genesis 3 the devil's temptation takes over and the people are banished from the Garden Of Eden. Genesis 4 is where Cain kills his brother Abel and Adam and Eve create another son named Seth to replace Abel. Genesis 5 outlines the genealogy of Adam's family. While Genesis 6 describes the evilness in the …show more content…

Now let's move to the second half of these chapters. Genesis 7 describes the deluge that covered the Earth. In Genesis 8, the flooding stops, Noah gives a burnt offering to the Lord and the Lord promises never to destroy mankind again. Following this promise in Genesis 9, the Lord uses a rainbow to symbolize the covenant he had with Noah. Later in Genesis 9, we find out Noah is a drunkard and his sons'' have seen him naked. In Genesis 10 it is more genealogical information about Noah and his sons families. In Genesis 11 you discover the world at that time had one universal language. The people of that time tried to make a tower so big that it would reach God. God's punishment for them, creating the Tower was to move them all around the world and had them speak new languages. Throughout the rest of the chapter you learn of Shem's bloodline. The reason why I chose these events outlined above, were I think they are the most significant. From Genesis 1 to 6 you get a sense of God is not a loving God, he is a vengeful God. He smashed his people he created like they were playdough during the flood. You grasp the evil side

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