
Failed Weight Loss Of Bariatric Surgery Essay

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“I think I may go out on the town today and see what kind of fun things I can do.” Mommy look at that fat girl, fat people shouldn’t be allowed out, quack quack waddle fat girl, hey shamu go back to the water. These are some of the things that I have endured and heard on a day-to-day when going out in public as an obese individual. Like myself, a lot of other obese individuals have embarked on many failed weight loss attempts only to gain instead of lose weight. Bariatric Surgery is a great lifelong tool to help aid in weight loss and manage the success;, however, many individuals shy away from the surgery because many health professionals only state the risks over the benefits. Bariatric surgery has become very popular in the United States, but there are many factors to consider such as the risks and benefits, success rates, and procedure options offered. Bariatric surgery has afforded many obese individuals a new lease on life. Medical doctors and insurance companies seem to be down playing the benefits as a way to keep patients with many obesity related ailments to keep them in business. The benefits that bariatric surgery has greatly outweigh the risks and allows for new beginnings. Obesity is an illness, and it is becoming a pandemic, according to an article by Karl Persson 34% of the United States population is classified as obese and these numbers are expected to hit 50% by the year 2030 (person, 2015). To put into perspective ,30% seems like a small number but

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