
Driving While Intoxication (DWI)

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Law enforcement basically entails a system where a section of members of the community engages in an organized approach to keep and maintain law and order. Although at some instances the term may encompass courts and correctional centers, the focus here is for individuals directly involved in the action aimed at dissuading and discovering criminal activity as well as investigation of crimes and at the same time ensuring apprehension of the offenders (Bergman and Berman-Barrett, 2013). Throughout the world, various nations have law enforcement units with the police or other forms of law enforcement agencies tasked with the earlier on stated roles. Furthermore, despite the fact that law enforcement, the existence of investigations, and the process …show more content…

The name of this criminal offense often varies across jurisdictions, but the nature of the offense is all the same. In the U.S, all states considers DUI a crime and it is chargeable in a court of law (Walker, 2015). The reason behind the establishment of the law is to ensure reduction of road accidents associated with drunk driving as they remain a threat within a nation. In the US for example, statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety indicated that seventeen thousand, nine hundred and forty-one persons lost their lives in 2013 as a result of alcohol-related collisions. That serves as a representation of a forty percent in the total traffic …show more content…

The role of the law enforcers is provided in the Implied Consent Law that allows the police officers to require drivers to submit to alcohol tests upon request. The law requires that a driver agrees to the alcoholic tests within their blood upon taking the action of driving along the roads within the borders of the U.S. Illegal Per Se Law on the other hand guards on the application of Blood Alcohol Concentration of drivers (Bergman and Berman-Barrett, 2013). The BAC levels are set at 0.08 percent with drivers operating under a percentage equal to or over the prescribed percentage liable to a criminal offence of DUI upon discovery. Upon suspecting a driver as drunk, a law enforcement agency makes the driver stop the vehicle and the immediately subjects the driver to a sobriety test. The test may occur through taking the samples of the drivers’ blood and subjecting them to a test or requesting the driver to undergo a breath test. The police officer often asks the suspected driver to perform various tasks with the intention of assessing the existence of impairment on the driver based on both physical and cognitive abilities. One such example of a sobriety test that a police officer may request a driver to undertake is walking a straight line or requesting the person to recite the alphabetical letters from the end. Furthermore, a police officer may

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