
Devry Eng 112 All Week Discussions

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DEVRY ENG 112 All Week Discussions

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week 1 discussion The Brand of You (graded)
As discussed in this week’s lecture, the Brand of You is created from the perception you give others through your writing. In creating the brand of you, how do you decide what to tell, how to tell it, and what to leave out? If given the task of introducing your personal brand through writing, what specific characteristics or attributes of yourself would you share? What stories would serve to provide the …show more content…

What topics are you finding in the news today? What new angles are being presented? What current events or social changes have prompted these new angles? (Please be sure to include a URL with your post. If you use exact phrases or sentences from your chosen article, be sure to place that information in quotation marks.)

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week 2 discussion
The Profile Genre (graded)
Please read Carl Wilkinson’s profile, Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters, on pages 622–626 of your text. What writing techniques does Wilkinson use to meet the profile genre? How do these strategies help establish meaning, and what impression do they leave about Grohl? (Be sure to be specific in your response, pointing to areas of the text and noting both page and paragraph numbers.)

Getting Started Writing (graded)
Drawing on one of the strategies for writing introductions outlined in your text or the lecture, post a draft of your introductory paragraph(s) as your first post. Then, throughout the week, reply to your classmates with feedback on their introductory paragraphs. Note how or why week 3 discussion ive Messages (graded)
What makes an ad succeed or flop? Think about specific print or television advertisements that have either stuck with you or made you turn your eyes, and explain what works or what doesn’t. In your response, be sure to consider the impact the rhetorical

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