
Developmental Case Study Of A Kindergartener

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Developmental Case Study of a Kindergartener Frances M. Morado University of Houston-Downtown Abstract This paper explores the cognitive development, psychosocial development, moral reasoning, and oral language development of a five year old, Hispanic male kindergartener, named Esteban. These different stages are tested with the use of Piaget, Erikson, and Kohlberg 's theory as identified in the text, Slavin, R. (2015), Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice (11th ed., pp. 29-66), and the Student Oral Language Observation Matrix (SOLOM). Keywords: Cognitive Development, Psychosocial Development, Moral Reasoning, Oral Language Development, Piaget, Erikson, Kohlberg, SOLOM Developmental Case …show more content…

After observing the student, I agreed that the student is very disruptive during lessons and has difficulty staying on task, but there was one aspect of the student that truly caught my attention. He was usually the first to respond with the correct answer when the teacher asked a question. Also, by viewing scores on his math or science tests, you could tell that he was understanding the material because his grades were 90s or higher. The student is super smart, but was acting with certain behavioral issues that were causing him to be disruptive and not stay on task or completing his work. Cognitive Development Stage When we discuss the cognitive ability of a student, we are talking about the child 's intelligence or ability to learn. Piaget created four stages that describe a child 's cognitive development based on their age. The first stage is the sensorimotor stage in which a child experiences from birth to 2 years of age, and states that a child will learn by exploring their environment with their senses. The second stage of development is the preoperational stage and a child is between the ages of 2 and 7 years during this stage. In this stage, children can use symbols to mentally represent objects such as seeing the golden arches of a McDonald 's sign and associating it with food. Children in this stage also lack an understanding of conservation, centration

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