
Criminological Theory Of Domestic Violence

Decent Essays

In this essay, feminism’s pioneering work towards the phenomena of violence against women in the domestic sphere has been identified as the most significant contribution to criminological theory, practice and research. Domestic violence has been brought to the public domain through feminism. A critical evaluation of Feminism’s contribution to domestic violence will be carried out by looking at examples of theory research and how these were implemented into practice and policies. The essay will firstly give an official explanation of what domestic violence is so that the reader can be made aware of what it entails, it will then be made clear that early criminology research largely ignored domestic violence and how feminist thinking challenged …show more content…

The abuse can encompass, but is not limited to; psychological, physical, sexual, financial and emotional’ (, 2017). For knowledge to grow on this area and policy and legislation to be made and implemented, research and theories are needed to understand the phenomena. Criminological theory has however, on the most part, ignored domestic violence in the earlier research. Crimes committed in the private sphere, within the family home were less problematic crimes and not for state interference. If they were charged, they were unlikely to be filed and if they were filed they were very likely to be dismissed (Brown, Esbensen and Geis, …show more content…

Feminist theory argues that domestic violence is a product of our patriarchal society. The patriarchal society is a form of oppression which is mostly felt by women. Men use behaviours that manifest as domestic violence to maintain power, control and social dominance over women (Dobash, Dobash, 1979). Feminism looks to not other throw man but to gain gender equality within all aspects of societal life. Feminist theories surrounding domestic violence are important because they highlight the issue of gender in violence and women’s experience of crime, something that is largely overlooked in mainstream criminology. Feminism looks to make domestic violence recognised within the discipline and law and bring the matter out of the private into the public sphere as a punishable crime (,

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