
Criminal Law : A Profound Impact On All Americans

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Criminal Law is a fascinating profession that has a profound impact on all Americans, especially focused in American Justice system. Criminal law is the body of law that deals with a type of crime that has inception, trials, and punishment. When disobeying the law one will have many consequences and should know the risks of violating such laws. On the other hand, majoring in criminal law shows the importance to why crimes are wrong and why it is such an important topic to study. Getting involved in criminal law can lead to many successful careers. Many intriguing cases need to be dealt with criminal law, and have important meaning to society.
I have a personal interest to criminal law and find it intriguing. I have developed from just watching criminal law shows and reading books to looking at colleges such as Penn State and Florida State University to go to and study all aspects of criminal law. Finding the missing puzzle pieces to solve a case interest me and make me want to do that for a living. Finding justice for someone is life changing and crucial, which makes me want to be a part of it. The most scandalous crimes are what makes me want to study criminal law even more and make me very fascinated.

Study Of Criminal Law- The study of American criminal law is a body of law that relates to crime. Criminal law generally refers to substantive law, which prescribe punishments. Criminal law is a very serious and profound topic to study. According to studies it shows that

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