
Comparison Of Neat People : The Advants Of Sloppy People

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The first words I can remember sticking with me from my Momma Jaime’s mouth was that cleanliness is close to Godliness. Noticeably, this must mean that Momma Jaime is hand and hand with God himself. Neat people should be viewed more superior than sloppy people; because, neat people are much more strategized, systematized, and Prepared for anything to come their way.
Any neat person knows that the easiest way to stay strategized in your life is a calendar.
A quick way to know if anyone is a neat person is to check for an itinerary, journal, planner or calendar. It won’t be too hard to find typically they will pull it out every time they hear something important, or need to write a quick note for later when they inscribe their whole next day before bed. In addition to that, they precisely go over their whole day while falling asleep to make sure everything is perfectly set for the next day. Every day in a neat person’s life they have a firm plan that they stick to from when they wake up in the morning to when they fall asleep at night. Unlike neat people, sloppy people tend to ‘flow with the day’ as Mrs. Susanne Britt says in The Morton Mix, “Sloppy people live in Never-Never Land.” This means sloppy people tend to run late and not know what short-term goals they are supposed to be conquering for the day. They wake up and fall asleep differently everyday an example of this is how they might shower in the morning instead of at night because they are ‘too tired’ from running around all day wondering what they are supposed to be doing. Conversely, while the sloppy person is throwing clean and unfolded clothes on the ground to fall asleep on their bed the neat person is showered in bed and maybe eating a non-crumbly snack before nine p.m.
When it comes to systems neat people hit it out of the park every time. Work, at work everything on a neat person’s desk is methodically placed and in each drawer, there are tabs and folders placed in ABC order. Moreover, every paper is placed by importance, date, and header. Continuing with how they have every project in on time and sometimes ahead of time. Whereas the neat person is arriving to work 10 minutes late because they couldn’t find their eft shoe and who knows if

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