
Classroom Observation

Satisfactory Essays

1. What was the best advice you received? First, do you enjoy teaching others? If so, teach something for which you have a deep passion. Teach the grade/age levels for which you will be able to relate to the best.

2. What was your most memorable moment during your observations? Most memorable moment(s) was when the students were really engaged with the material and were very interested in adding to the discussions.

What was your least memorable moment during your observations? When the students did not care that they were in school, and were totally apathetic – tuned out of what was going on in class.

3. What is something you did not enjoy about this course? Not having live interaction with the …show more content…

How have your perspectives towards working with children from special populations changed as a result of your experiences during this course? Actually, I did not have any perspectives in this regard. However, after seeing, reading, and hearing about it, I can see how this can make a HUGE difference in helping the kids to be better prepared for life after school. And, how it can change their lives while they are in school. 5. What is something you would like to learn more about? More ways to excite, or light up the imaginations of the students so they develop a passion for learning, participating, and contributing, to their own success, and to look forward to a future where they can be happy in their work and lives, while contributing to society in general.
6. What is something that you would like to have seen in this course but did not? (You will not be judged or penalized for your response to this one :O) See number 3 above. More teacher to student interaction, more student to student interaction.
7. Would you consider going into special education after your experiences in this course? Not until I have several years in teaching students that do not require special

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