
Analysis Of Horace Mann 's ' The Massachusetts Board Of Education '

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Horace Mann wrote his beliefs on what education should be focused on in the Report of the Massachusetts Board of Education, 1848. Mann explains how education can be improved or even perfected not only in the state of Massachusetts but all across the nation. Mann got most of his ideas on how an ideal education system should be made up by studying how Persian school systems created their curriculum in all of their public schools. Mann believes that these ideals are how the Massachusetts school system should be ran (110-119). However, is it possible for an education system to become outdated? Mann was a prominent figure in politics for many years and eventually served on the Massachusetts Board of Education for several years. In that time Mann came to believe that education should be based around physical, intellectual, political, moral, and religious educations. Mann got most of his ideas from how schools in the Persian taught these different types of education. (110) There are many different ways that writer tries to connect to their audience or try to get their point across. The three major ways a writer does this is through ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is any way the writer takes a reference or a quote from an expert with the same point of view as them to help build their own credibility. Pathos is words that can completely change the way the reader feels about certain way about a topic. Logos is anything that is logical and can be proven by statistics. The first

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