
1.07 Study And Thinking Skills

Decent Essays

1. The narrator knew she was depressed because she had awakened everyday for a period of time feeling down, worrying about bills and the man in her life vacationing with his ex. She had consulted with a doctor who wanted to prescribe her medication, which she was not opened to. She knew what would make her “happy” again even if it wasn’t a good idea at the time. She wanted to go winter camping with her dogs in weather that reached almost 40 degrees below zero putting not only herself in harm’s way, but her dogs as well. I feel like she suggests that in order to take the steps to get better or come out of depression you have to work on yourself and do things that make you happy and/or feel good. Everyone does not know how to do this and sometimes medication is needed to avoid any self harm etc. With this being said, I feel her claim does have merit because this method worked for her and possibly thousands of people including myself. I …show more content…

She could have elaborated on seeking professional help or talking to someone at least. I completely understand how this worked for her and I feel she was strong enough to handle it. She needed to put herself in harsh conditions (and her four legged children) to remind herself that life indeed is not as bad as she thought and it could always be worse. There is someone going through something a lot worse. Coming from someone who has dealt with depression, the phrase “Someone has it worse” is one of the most annoying things to hear; because you honestly don’t want to hear that at the moment. You’re just trying to get back to the happy person you used to be. As stated before, each case of depression is different and it’s amazing this method worked for her. One of the most important things I recognized is that she sought professional help and people knew where she was going to go. Especially with such harsh weather condition. Her experience brought her back to the point where she saw the glass half full again, rather than half

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