PSYC 411 Discussion Board wk 2



Regent University *

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Dec 6, 2023





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Dialogue week 2 Wendy Lipps College of Arts and Science Regent University PSYC 411 Cognitive Psychology Dr. Stephen Russell, Psy.D. August 30, 2023 To answer the question “What is the author in “Minding God” saying regarding the relationship between mind and the body? The relationship that the author of “Minding God” is exploring is the relationship between mind and body. The author explains how the mind and body are connected and intertwined. Even though our mind and body have different functions they cannot be separated. The features of the mind and body have been studied along with their specific functions individually and together. There are many different terms used scientifically that explain the different theories that surround the concept of consciousness. The author is saying that awareness is a part of our mind. That awareness is basically the way our body organizes the information. Plus, the body and mind work together. The understanding the author is trying to make is that the body and mind exist when working together as a whole. They don’t exist when they are separated. " How do they describe reductionism and emergence? Reductionism is explained as reducing complex concepts to physical components. It was a theory that Paul Churchland, Patricia Churchland, and Stephen Stich advocated for. A better understanding of the meaning is when you want to understand something that is difficult or complex. You take it and break it down into smaller parts. These smaller parts have the job or
function that they do. Then by putting them back together to find out the job or function, they do the functions together as a unit. Like computer software and hardware. (Minding God Pg.60). Emergence refers to specific unique properties that come from a complex system. Emergence is a perceptual phenomenon in which qualitative differences that appear as parts of a stimulus are added, such that the whole stimuli take on properties that are not novel and unpredictable. Basically, the article says “that this approach does not give specific accounts on how consciousness and mind arise physically. They are saying that the mental becomes separate from the physical becoming completely abstracted from the scientific view”. (Minding God Pg.64). Do you believe this translates easily into the discussion about the body and soul described at the end of the chapter? Why or why not?" Yes, I believe that the discussion at the end of the chapter can be easily explained and understood within the framework of consciousness. The body and soul are separate but cannot function without each other. When your body is gone your soul moves on to Heaven. As Christians we believe that this is to be true, our souls go to heaven because of the blood of Jesus. “Cognitive Scientists and Philosophers do not talk about the soul anymore” (Peterson, 2003, p. 70). They use the word consciousness instead of soul. Peterson does a good job of explaining and tying together the conversation about our souls. When looking at this from a scientific point of view it is easy to follow. I always thought that our consciousness and soul were separate. But they are one of the same in science and the Bible. The Bible tells us that our consciousness is the awareness of God. According to the Bible, your soul and consciousness are the same. Two verses that follow show our awareness of God that should be within us. ”They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts,
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