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Walden University *

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May 10, 2024





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Explain how to differentiate between ASD and social communication disorder and ADHD. Describe the target behaviors for each. Explain the implications of medication and policy in relation to these diagnoses (e.g., activating an IEP, ADA related policies, funding). Neurodevelopmental disorders include autism spectrum disorder (ASD), social communication problem (SCD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These problems can appear very early in the developmental phase, such as in the embryonic phase, and can persist into adulthood (Scattolin,2022). These neurodevelopmental diseases are typically characterized by delays in developmental phases, speech, and cognitive function. And these diseases frequently co-occur; for example, an autistic child may have ADHD symptoms, or vice versa (American Psychiatric Association, 2022). ASD is distinguished by a deficiency in social communication and interaction, along with distinct repetitive behaviors. SCD is defined by an absence of both spoken and non-spoken communication. ADHD is characterized by hyperactivity, impulsivity, and impaired concentration, as described by the American Psychological Association in 2022. Every illness exhibits a distinct array of symptoms and manifestations, varying in intensity from mild to intense (American Psychiatric Association, 2022). Indviduals diagnosed with SCD experience difficulties in social interaction and communication, whereas persons diagnosed with ASD continually face challenges in both domains. Individuals with ASD may difficulty with a range of social interaction skills, including initiating and maintaining conversations, making and reciprocating eye contact, and comprehending nonverbal clues. Individuals with SCD issues may have impairments in one or more of these abilities, but the degree is usually less severe than in people with ASD. ADHD is described by a loss of focus, excessive physical activity, and impulsive behavior. Individuals with ADHD may struggle to concentrate or sit quietly for long periods of time. In addition, people may exhibit impulsivity, which impairs their capacity to exercise self- control. ASD: ASD patients may benefit from social skills training to improve their social interaction and communication. Behavior therapy can also assist in reducing repetitive behaviors or interests. Individuals with ASD can benefit from social skills training to improve their ability to interact more effectively in social circumstances. Developing conversational initiation, maintenance, and appropriate boundaries, as well as the capacity to interpret and respond to nonverbal signs, could be critical. Therapy can help people reduce the frequency of undesired behaviors or interests by teaching them new skills and rewarding them for good conduct. Pharmaceuticals may be recommended to treat secondary symptoms including anxiety and aggression. SCD: Speech therapy can improve communication skills for people with SCD. Additionally, behavioral interventions such as role playing social skills training can help individuals improve their interpersonal relationships. Speech therapy can help individuals with SCD develop efficient communication abilities. As a
result, it may be required to investigate the use of nonverbal communication techniques such as sign language and visual assistance. ADHD: ADHD target behaviors may include impulse control and concentration improvement through behavior treatment. Medication can also be used to treat hyperactivity and attention issues. Individuals with ADHD could benefit from behavior treatment to improve their impulse control and attention span. This could involve learning how to take breaks, making a timetable or planner, and establishing goals. Medication may help with focus and hyperactivity by lowering dopamine levels in the brain. Stimulants are the most widely prescribed type of ADHD medicine and can be taken orally or through a patch. Medical implications for ASD may include the use of behavioral therapy and/or medication to relieve symptoms. Some people with ASD may need special education or other accommodations to succeed in school or at work. SCD medical treatment may include medication and/or speech and language therapy to alleviate symptoms. Some people with SCD may benefit from specialized teaching or other forms of assistance in order to achieve academically or professionally (Topal et al., 2018). If a child is diagnosed with ADHD under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), their school can create an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for them. This strategy may include exam accommodations such as extra time, a quiet space to take exams, and preferential seating during exams (Spiel et al., 2014). Schools may also provide 504 plans to students with ADHD who satisfy specific criteria. As part of these programs, disabled students should expect to be given more time to complete assignments, access to a computer, and regular breaks. If ADHD impairments significantly impair a student's ability to study, he or she may be eligible for Section 504 treatment and a specific accommodation plan. Specialized instruction, help with controlling challenging behaviors, and social skills instruction are all examples of services that fall under this category. Lastly, in order to better handle the challenges presented by ADHD, some children and adolescents may benefit from seeing a professional therapist or behavioral specialist. Students with ADHD may benefit from therapy to develop strategies for managing symptoms and overcoming obstacles. References American Psychiatric Association. (2022).   Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5- TR)   (5th ed., text rev.). https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.books.9780890425787
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