Learning Styles_Lijah Lewis



Coastline Community College *

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May 7, 2024





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M06: Learning Styles Assessment Lijah Lewis Coastline College
After taking the learning styles assessment it was determined I am 55% an auditory learner, 35% visual, and 10% tactile. This was relatively unsurprising for me as I frequently find myself distracted by random noises, repeat what I read out loud to comprehend it, and listen to music 24/7. Along with auditory learning I see myself as a visual learner, PowerPoints and diagrams assisting in my information retention. In the past I have learned about the different learning styles and was more of a visual learner at the time. Now, I agree with the results and think I retain information the best through auditory channels. An ‘Auditory Leaner’ is someone who learns the best through speaking and listening to the information provided. For example, when studying I will create little jingles to help me remember a mathematical function, or acronyms that are easily digestible. If I have music on quietly while studying, it helps me drown out any distracting background noise. Sometimes I also associate information I need to remember with a certain song that was playing at the time I learned it. A ‘Visual Learner’ is someone who learns best through colorful or engaging diagrams, presentations, and any other channel that you look at. Somethings I do for myself is creating presentations of my notes so I can highlight the important parts and retain the essential pieces of information. Using these channels to my advantage comes to me naturally. I love music and the results of this test help support my preconceived thoughts about the correlation between the quality of my studying and retention and listening to music. I can also actively choose to watch videos and listen to the narration to further comprehend what I’m learning. Alternatively, eliminating any distracting noises in my study environment can help. I would benefit from being able to narrow my focus on the content I am trying to listen to rather than having so much noise around me. I think the Learning Styles Assessment is a great tool for students to understand the different styles of learning and how to maximize their success when studying.
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