


Purdue Global University *

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Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by MinisterGerbilMaster923 on coursehero.com

Celia Tapia (DOB 05/18/1970) is experiencing pain in her left ear. She comes into the office today and Dr. Martin diagnoses her with otitis media and prescribes Cephalexin 500mg IM. The office has Cephalexin 250mg/5mL in the office. The Medical Assistant draws up an injection of 5 mg and administers the injection IM (site of injection left deltoid). Ms. Tapia had no adverse side effects and was discharged from the office. Later that afternoon, Dr. Martin was dictating her office note and discovered the error — Ms. Tapia should have received an injection of 10 mL (for full medication amount of 500mg). The Medical Assistant contacted Ms. Tapia and explained the error. Ms. Tapia returned to the office and the additional medication was administered. Number the activities in the order they would be performed in the event of a medical error at the physician’s office. _5_____ Offer a sincere apology when talking to the patient _____3_ Call the patient and ask him or her to come to the office __7___ Give the patient the opportunity to ask questions __1____ Tell the physician about the error ___2___ Complete an incident report and document the error in the chart ___8___ Document the discussion of the error with the patient ___4___ Meet with the patient in a private area where there will be no interruptions ___6___ Allow the Physician to explain the error to the patient
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