Benchmark Crisis Intervention Plan Assignment



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Feb 20, 2024





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BENCHMARK CRISIS INTERVENTION PLAN Benchmark Crisis Intervention Plan Jamieson K. Faulcon School of Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Liberty University Author Note Jamieson K. Faulcon I have no known conflict of interest to disclose. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Jamieson K. Faulcon. Email:
BENCHMARK CRISIS INTERVENTION PLAN Defining Crisis When talking about the word crisis everyone has their own meaning to it because of the experiences they sometimes attach it to. As I write this paper now there’s a crisis in Israel right now. There’s an article in the crisis intervention book that states that crisis means an event that presents a real or perceived threat to life or security (Brooks, 2017). A clearer breakdown of the word crisis is a turning point for better or worse" (Fink, 1986). A great example of a crisis is Covid-19. This crisis stops the entire world for a good moment of time. I think this crisis helps everyone to understand what a real-life crisis is. Brooks states in her book “This event causes the individual to believe that his/her life or security is in danger and creates both a physical and emotional reaction that leads to a distressed state” (Brooks, 2017, p. 9). A crisis should be seen as an important way of thinking about some forms of contemporary social change (Walby, 2015; Bergman-Rosamond et al, 2022). Crisis is always going to be around, and a person should know what to do when a crisis happens. Neurobiology of crisis To understand the neurobiology of crisis people must know the meaning of neurobiology. Neurobiology is the biology of the nervous system and how the brain works. Understanding how the brain works when trauma happens would give a person a better way of dealing with crises. When a crisis happens it causes the brain to go into protection mode which is called fight, flight, and freeze. Fight is when the body feels it’s in danger and it puts in your mind that fight mode. Flight is when your body has the thought of being defeated and it sends a signal to the brain to run away from the problem at hand. And last is freeze, the body doesn’t have a response at all. The stress has you stuck in one place. There’s an article that explains the neurobiology of trauma.
BENCHMARK CRISIS INTERVENTION PLAN It explains fear circuity which means “when someone experiences a traumatic event or experiences extreme fear, brain chemistry is altered, and the brain begins to function differently (2022). God put us on earth to deal with all crises and gave us a mind to think through them. “The mind of the prudent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge” (Proverbs 18:15). This is a great bible verse to help explain the mind in the learning of it. Risk factors of crisis When there’s a crisis there are many downsides that come with it. A crisis can cause emotional distress, being hurt physically, and possible death. Also, it can be harmful to the people around the person that’s in a crisis. Serious or lasting psychological problems come with the risk factor of crisis. There are certain groups of people that are at a higher risk, which would include people who live in a poverty area, children, teens, and some adults. Understanding risk is knowing that it’s inherent in all forms of human existence and actions (Ostrowska, Mazur, 2014). There are two variables when talking about risk. The magnitude of the loss and the possibility of failure. The risk could be seen as just losing everything. Risk is going to be a part of everyone’s life that goes through a crisis. Signs of someone in crisis Seeing the signs of someone in crisis will be different for everyone. When observers of someone that’s in a crisis you pay attention to all the details of that person. There has been a medical study that shows there are 10 warning signs of someone in crisis/mental distress. Here are the 10 signs feeling very sad, withdrawn or unmotivated (for more than two weeks), planning to or trying to harm or kill oneself, out-of-control or risk-taking behaviors, overwhelming fear with a racing heart or fast breathing, sudden weight gain/loss or loss of appetite, severe mood
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