Week 8 Discussion(Simulation Reflection)



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Week 8 Discussion: Simulation Reflection Hey All, With the first two simulations I didn’t get the opportunity to complete the simulation, but the third simulation I participated through three generations. I was able to gain valuable insights into how various decisions can greatly impact a family business. Initially, my company struggled compared to the final run-through where several key decisions I made helped facilitate substantial growth and success. Specifically, decisions related to marketing, distribution channels, and product innovation seemed to have the most significant influence. I realized that while keeping the family’s interests in mind is important, making objective data-driven decisions is critical for the health and viability of the business long-term. Upon reflection, there are a few key decisions I would have made differently knowing what I do now. In particular, I likely would have invested more heavily earlier on in marketing and brand awareness campaigns. I also would have explored different distribution channels to reach more customers nationwide. Moving forward, I feel equipped to apply the lessons learned about strategic decision making, leveraging data and analytics, and thinking critically about what is best for the company’s growth. This simulation provided invaluable real-world preparation for the types of complex decisions I will need to make should I run a family business someday. Overall, it was an extremely educational experience that strengthened my critical thinking and business acumen skills tremendously.
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