Sarah's Performance Evaluation Form



University of California, Berkeley *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Apr 3, 2024





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Performance Evaluation Date: 3/15/2024 Candidate: Josh Lewis (Marketing Analyst) Evaluator: Trishala Jain (Director of Marketing) 1. In six sentences or less , please provide an assessment of the candidate’s performance in the last six months. Josh has shown potential during his time with the company; his enthusiasm for the industry and willingness to take initiative are commendable. During the Fire Force Five project, he demonstrated strong research skills when exploring alternative marketing channels - this out-of-the-box thinking is something I value. However, I've noticed a tendency to prioritize his own ideas over the completion of assigned tasks. For instance, during our busy period before the CEO presentation, rather than focusing on finalizing the requested sales analysis, Josh was independently pursuing his distribution proposal. This lack of prioritization resulted in a rushed analysis that lacked depth. Additionally, while I appreciate his proactive spirit, bypassing me to present his ideas directly to the CEO undermines our established team structure and his understanding of how decisions are made. Clearly communicating with me at an earlier stage would have allowed us to collaborate more effectively and perhaps strategically integrate some of his concepts. 2. Please state whether you Agree or Disagree with the statement for below as it relates to the candidate. Agree Disagree Statement I would always want this person on my team. This person is ready for promotion today. This person is at risk for low performance. I would award this person the highest compensation. Statement 2: While Josh has tremendous potential, his current tendency to bypass established team processes and prioritize his own ideas over assigned tasks suggests a need for further development. Josh should aim to demonstrate his ability to collaborate and prioritize tasks assigned to him before aiming for a promotion. Statement 3: Josh is a quick learner who consistently brings energy and enthusiasm to the table. While his focus can sometimes waver, I see this as a development opportunity. I'd work with Josh to develop a clearer vision of how his own work contributes to the team's overall goals, helping him prioritize effectively. Statement 4: Josh needs a more consistent track record of contributing directly to the team's success on assigned projects. As he gains experience and demonstrates the ability to consistently deliver high-quality work while collaborating effectively within the team, he'll be well-positioned for increased compensation in the future.
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