Hadiyah__Atkinson_HIS_200__Applied_History (4)



Southern New Hampshire University *

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HIS 200




Dec 6, 2023





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Module 7 Short Responses – Question 1 Name three historical lenses that you could apply to gain a fuller picture of the relationship between Natives and white settlers. Be sure to respond to this question in no more than one sentence, using proper grammar. Three historical lenses that I could apply to gain a fuller picture of the relationship between Natives and white settlers is cultural, social, and political Module 7 Short Responses – Question 2 Revise the thesis statement at the top of this page to reflect a more complex view of the relationship between Natives and white settlers. Your revised thesis statement should be longer than one sentence. Land disputes were at the root of Native American conflicts with white settlers in the early 19th century. Because of colonism and racist views and idealism the white settlers used their military and political power to control and take over the Natives land. Module 7 Short Responses – Question 3 Name three historical lenses that you could use to look at the events described in the video you just saw. First cultural because of the differences between the Natives and the white settlers there were cultural differences because the pilgrims did not like feasting or merrymaking. Secondly, I would say religious lens because of the religious differences the settlers were Puritans and thought of Thanksgiving as a day of prayer to give thanks to God. Third I would say social because of the interactions between the settlers and the Natives and the things they learned from each other. Module 7 Short Responses – Question 4 Massasoit's decision to approach the Pilgrims about an alliance was contingent on what previous event or events? (Name one or two.) The Patuxet disease (The smallpox) which wiped out the young Tisquantum's tribe, but he became friends with Massasoit the leader of the leader of the Wampanoag people who had also been struck by the disease this pushed them to come to terms with each other.
Module 7 Short Responses – Question 5 Name one short-term consequence and one long-term consequence of the alliance between the Wampanoag and the Pilgrims. One short term consequence was agreeing to a mutual defense alliance against allies and one long term consequence was that more Englishman puritans, and non religous settlers began to arrive in New England damaging the relationship between them. Module 7 Short Responses – Question 6 How has your understanding of the historical event in your essay changed as a result of your research? Describe one instance of a misconception or a wrong idea you had about your topic that has been corrected after researching and writing about it. Prior to researching this topic, I had little knowledge about voting rights in America especially for African Americans and I was not taught about voting rights for people of color in school. My understanding has changed greatly as a result of my research because I have learned more about my black history a misconception, I had was that I was going to be learning in viewpoints of racist idealism but instead I learned more about political and social movements and political views. Module 7 Short Responses – Question 7 Name four historical lenses through which you could analyze the events of the Cherokee Removal. Specify one aspect of this event for each lens that you cite. 1. Political because when Andrew Jackson was elected President in 1828, he made decisions about the Cherokees and said they must disappear because white people were the superior race. 2. Cultural the Cherokees rebuilded and transformed themselves after the smallpox in the 1700's and wars with the colonists they established a government, and they created their own written language. 3. Military . - Van Buren, ordered the removal of nearly 3,000 Cherokee by force. This resulted in the deaths of hundreds of cherokees. 4. Racial : Racism was definitely to play in this as President Andrew Jackson deemed whites as the superior race and called for their removal.
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