Discussion 1



Liberty University *

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May 9, 2024





Uploaded by CoachRose16655 on coursehero.com

The role of the Urban Planner is quite diverse. Urban Planners at the higher levels look at the needs of a community and plan for the short and long term of the community (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The short and long term may or may not mean growth. In many cases they are looking at the growth of the local community but in some cases the goals of the community may be maintaining the status quo. Elements that urban planners need to be knowledgeable in are vast. In their short- and long-term planning that must look at land use, traffic, water availability, energy, adequate housing, recreational needs, and shopping needs. As part of this planning process urban planners must also work with many people to complete projects that may take many years to complete. They must work with public officials and other leaders within the community to work around local ordinances and laws. Many of their activities revolve around politicking and persuading others to go along with their plans (Levy, 2017). For Christians the easy answer for what should be supported are churches and other religious resources. This includes adequate transportation and roadways around them. I believe though, that there are other options that Christians should be supported in Urban Planning. This includes community resources and housing to support those living in poverty. This also includes making sure these citizens are receiving adequate clean drinking water. Other urban planning options I believe Christians should be supporting are healthcare resources for all citizens. For Christians specifically though I believe public places such as parks that Christians can come together for fellowship are beneficial for a community. Reference Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.).  Occupational Outlook Handbook, Urban and Regional Planners https://www.bls.gov/ooh/life-physical-and-social-science/urban- and-regional-planners.htm Levy, John. (2017).  Contemporary Urban Planning  (11th ed.). Taylor & Francis.
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