Chc30121 item3



Selmar Institute of Education *

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Jan 9, 2024





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Item 8 of 19 Watch Babies and toddlers: Amazing learners -~ Video 2 at [05:25-5:48) Observe how the educator facilitated the small group conflict experience Benchmark Criterla Observed other educators' relationships with children and reflect on how they supported child to child relationships using positive and respectful communication, during group Interactions. Question 8 Discuss the following..(Approximately 300 words) « Strategies the educator used to enable children to resolve the conflict, while developing their social, emotional and communication and language « How the approach of the educator supported child-to-child relationship building. « Strategies you will take from this observation and apply during placement to further develop your communication skills in children’s group interactions. Your Answer - (1) In this scenario, the educator used several effective strategies to enable the children to resolve their conflict while developing their social, emotional, communication and language skills. Examples of these are modelling positive interactions. By promptly walking over and comforting and consoling the child who was crying, and showing them empathy , that enables the child to feel safe, supported, and protected, which promotes emotional development. Another example was encouraging empathy and positive relationships. The child who hit can be seen helping with a drink bottle, and gently patting the tummy of the child who is crying, and the educator allows them to display this act of empathy instead of sending them away or telling them not to. This supports the child to understand the impact of their actions on others and also promotes their social, language and emotional skills. The educators approach in this scenario supported child-to-child relationship building by responding to the conflict promptly and in a nurturing manner, establishing an atmosphere in which children discover that they can manage conflicts with empathy and communication. By allowing the child to attempt comfort the other child who Is crying alongside the educator, reinforces this as good friendship behaviour. Strategies | will take from this observation and apply during placement to further develop my communication skills in group interactions are modelling empathetic behaviour, | would aim to consistently model empathetic and respectful behavior to encourage children to learn how to play respectfully and kindly with one another, and effective conflict resolution and social skills. Another strategy is prompt responses to conflict. By intervening as soon as a conflict arises among children and | aim to prevent the situation from escalating, and encourage the children to respectfully resolve their conflict with empathy and communication.
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