BKP CH 16 | Quizlet



North Miami Beach Senior High *

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May 12, 2024





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Privacy Terms Term Substituting nut oil for some of the fat in a quick bread formula will help reduce the total amount of ______________________________________ fat in the product. 1 of 20 Term Which of the following is NOT a noncaloric or low-calorie sugar substitute? 2 of 20 Term A combination of non-gluten-forming flour and ______________________________________ is recommended when making baked goods suitable for people with celiac disease. 3 of 20 Term ______________________________________ milk is a good alternative for vegans and vegetarians. 4 of 20 Term Wheat, bean and corn flours contain proteins that make them unsuitable for those with gluten allergies. 5 of 20 Term When oil is substituted for cold butter in a formula, some of the ______________________________________ may need to be reduced. 6 of 20 Term An ovo-lacto vegetarian consumes a plant-based diet, including ______________________________________ . 7 of 20 Term Fats that are chemically altered to remain stable at room temperature are called 8 of 20 Term Natural sugars from dates or maple syrup usually have the same calorie count as cane sugar. 9 of 20 Term Which of the following can be drained so that it thickens and can be used in place of sour cream? 10 of 20 Term Which of the following desserts would NOT be suitable to serve to someone with a gluten allergy? 11 of 20 Term An allergy to the protein found in milk and dairy products is called 12 of 20 Term A vegan is someone who consumes a plant-based diet, including eggs. 13 of 20 Term Desserts made with egg whites instead of whole eggs or egg yolks are often naturally low in fat 14 of 20 Term Which of the following cakes would be an appropriate low-fat alternative to a chocolate brownie? 15 of 20 Term A good alternative to whole milk is 16 of 20 Term Potential allergic substances or ______________________________________ include everything from milk to nuts. 17 of 20 Term Cholesterol is fat found only in foods of animal origin. 18 of 20 Term Sugar substitutes such as Equal, Nutrasweet and Splenda stand up well to heat and are suitable in all bakery applications. 19 of 20 Term When selecting ingredients for making healthy desserts, the flavor, appearance and texture of the finished product should be of first importance to the chef. 20 of 20 All done! Ready to submit your test? Submit test English (USA) Choose matching definition hydrogenated liquid saturated starch Don't know? Choose matching definition Sucrose Lactose Glucose Allergens Don't know? Choose matching definition saturated fiber glycogen starch Don't know? Choose matching definition almond peanut melon corn Don't know? Choose matching definition True False Don't know? Choose matching definition hydrogenated powder saturated liquid Don't know? Choose matching definition leafy green vegetables protein dairy products bran muffins Don't know? Choose matching definition liquid starch hydrogenated saturated Don't know? Choose matching definition True False Don't know? Choose matching definition Fried chicken Fat-free yogurt Starch Liquid Don't know? Choose matching definition Chocolate Angel Food Cake Saturated Rum Raisin Bread Pudding Toffee Caramel Flan Don't know? Choose matching definition lactose intolerance. hypoglycemia. celiac disease. irritable bowel. Don't know? Choose matching definition True False Don't know? Choose matching definition True False Don't know? Choose matching definition Chocolate angel food cake Liquid Chocolate genoise Rum raisin bread pudding Don't know? Choose matching definition almond 7% milk. 3% milk. 2% milk. Don't know? Choose matching definition haptens antibodies histamines allergens Don't know? Choose matching definition True False Don't know? Choose matching definition True False Don't know? Choose matching definition True False Don't know? 0 / 20 BKP CH 16 Test Print test Options
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