CellRespLab-Handout BIO 101



Atlantic Cape Community College *

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Jan 9, 2024





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Cellular Respiration in Germinating Peas Darnell Lawrence 12/27/2023 1
Data Activity 1 Data Table 1 Sample Initial volume (V i ) (mL) Final volume (VF) (mL) Total volume (V F V i ) (mL) Germinating peas 25 35 10 Dormant peas + beads 25 35 10 Beads only 25 35 10 © 2016 Carolina Biological Supply Company 2
Activity 2 Data Table 2 Water temp. (°C) Time (min) Resp. #1 Volume in pipet Resp. #1 Change in volume Resp. #1 Correcte d volume change Resp. #2 Volume in pipet Resp. #2 Change in volume Resp. #2 Correcte d volume change Resp. #3 Volum e in pipet Resp. #3 Change in volume 26 0 0.22 - - 0.01 - 0.00 - 25 5 0.60 0.38 0.38 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.00 25 10 1.05 0.45 0.40 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.05 25 15 1.15 .10 0.09 0.18 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.01 25 20 1.70 0.55 0.52 0.24 0.06 0.03 0.09 0.03 1. Which of the respirometers serves as control? Explain your answer. In this experiment, respirometers are used to measure the rate of respiration in different conditions. The negative control is the respirometer which only contains beads. This is because the beads do not respire, and therefore, any change in the oxygen levels in this respirometer can be attributed to factors other than respiration, such as changes in atmospheric pressure or temperature. This helps to ensure that the changes observed in the other respirometers are indeed due to respiration. The positive control is the respirometer containing peas. The germination of peas involves respiration, which consumes oxygen and produces carbon dioxide. The KOH (potassium hydroxide) in the respirometer absorbs the carbon dioxide produced, creating a change in pressure that draws the food coloring down the pipet. This allows the rate of respiration to be visually observed and measured.
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